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Dark divers Wiki

Dark Moon is the second level in dark divers. it can be found across from Arradise, or in front of Cyberox.


Dark Moon is a new front where you battle bots for the first time(assuming that you've never done cyberox), and is also the first time they will encounter a kill 20 robots objective.


upon touching down, the player will be greeted by a bunch of cyber raptors that will try and kill them. once they are all dead, the player will traverse the rocky terrain until they stumble into an ambush from 10 cyber vultures. they will need to kill them, but once they have they will reach a mining site which they need to destroy. since the objective is called "close the lair," we can safely assume this is either a cyber base or factory. once it is blown up, they must plant the flag, and as per usual, a boss will spawn. this one is the Cyber T-Rex. once he is dead, they can actually plant the flag and win.



Brute force:[]

this entails grabbing your strongest gear(and reinforcement beacons) and going in and killing everyone. chances are you will die at least once, but thats what freinds are for, right?

Big booms[]

this one means taking gifters, zigma thor, one, and gift, and any armor(dark(e) works best) and just blowing everything to shreds. to maximize impact, bring liberman sidearms to deal with everything fast.

hit and run[]

take either beast or ghost armor and a liberator and freedom one and torch everyone. if they get close, back up. if you're low, use invisibility or teleport rolls.


Turret maniac[]

Use en dive armour, equip liberator and last hope or liberman, summon TWO turrets, before all that make sure you have two turrets (Yes, you will wait for around 2 minutes) then throw down Zigma fall, dome, and rain in that order. Try not to use gadgets that'll get you blown away from the healing pool of Zigma fall, one more thing, you have to be directly under the boss so plant your turrets and gadgets at the flag pole beacon and plant the flag.

Quick Note: Remember switching to your secondary is always faster than reloading

Brute force[]

see above, but no reinforcement beacons.

Blast em[]

Take a punisher, endiver, Zigma thor, fall and dome with doom or dark armor, and try and kill them. if you get low, throw out fall THEN dome. fall has a healing aura, so use that.


  • when playing solo, the cyber rex is very hard. messiah sniper can help, but you need to consecutively headshot.
  • cyber vultures are actually misspelled "valtures" in game.